Very upset Not a fishing Card game but Very buggy can't play crashes Refund please.. Love others... ❤ this one awful
So Relaxing and deeper than a puddle
I have the ability to build far more things then I have lumber capacity for so that really sucks and I get done fishing and bring in several thousand dollars that goes to waste because my money cap is not high enough. Cards that go to waste because I cannot hold any more cards. So how the hell am I supposed to increase the number of cards I have or the quantity of lumber I can have, without having to wait on luck to do it for me
Works on pixel.
Can you make a part 2 for THIS game?!?! Thank you for DV2!!!
I love and hate. First this is confusing. I like how the fish breeding works but limited max resourse and card is not good. If i max the resource to 999 new game plus i only get 400+ which i have to find again the item to increase it again which is random.
Love Kairosoft games but this is so buggy it's hard to progress. What I did play was fun but I'm pretty sad I paid for a broken game
How does these game have a low score? These game is awesome like every other Kariosoft game. I love them all.
I love Kairosoft games and have played dozens, but FPP is quite buggy, and I've seen complaints of the same bugs posted to forums for years. It takes away from the game which is a shame as FPP would be quite fun and a bit different from their other games.
i love all their games! very cute graphics. could play all day